Top Components You’ll Need to Create a Social Media PR Launch

smMKTGpushpin Top Components You’ll Need to Create a Social Media PR LaunchUsing a well developed online social media campaign effectively is the best way to get people to like your company’s brand and come back for more. Because Facebook is now driving more traffic than Google, it is very important to lead customers, clients and prospects back to your website, blog and Facebook page.  Do you know the crucial elements in using social media PR?

What I’m about to share with you is a proven formula I use as a messaging professional for my clients upon launching their online branding campaigns. After attending a couple of national PR organizations’ meetings I’m involved with, I am in disbelief to hear that a lot of public relations professionals are not using social media PR effectively or just not getting how to implement basic strategies online. Consequently there will not be a “one size fits all approach” for messaging — different clients might have custom needs requiring different techniques but the most important piece is that the message is consistently publicized on all social media platforms to be effectively heard.

A crucial stage in telling people about your company’s message is of course primarily in the branding message itself (e.g. what you’re promoting). Once the marketing piece all set and ready to go, then you can release it online by doing a series of social media posts. Second, reiterating a consistent message in an articulate “launch” campaign that consists of tagging, retweets and PR chain posts. Some of the messaging and communication tactics I use for launch include:

  • Press release to local media (link-backs to clients’ site)
  • Twitter @ mentions (to collaborators)
  • Tag mentions on Facebook (involved parties/partners)
  • Banner posts on LinkedIn
  • Posts to local media sites
  • Blog posts and link-backs

Publicizing your company’s message appropriately to all the right sources is key in successful online PR. Take a look at all the pieces/components necessary in order to support your company’s marketing messaging and branding include:

  • Website
  • Blog (articles)
  • Logo & Background
  • Profile banner/avatar
  • Tagline
  • Ads (Facebook, Google & LinkedIn)

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  • Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing Stephanie. This is so refreshing. Would you kindly elaborate and explain what do you mean by press release to local media and banner posts on LinkedIn? Thanks

    • Stephanie

      A LinkedIn wall/banner post is your news posted to various groups you have joined by starting a discussion topic. Press releases to local media is pretty straight forward (however you’ll need emails to all the different editors - this is usually only advised to professionals who know how to write a release which will get picked up by an editor). Please let me know if you have any additional questions - email me

      • Anonymous

        Thanks Stephanie for taking your time to answer my question. Everything is clear now :)

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