Wait, what? I’d rather blog than sit around on a couch watching reality TV? But Jersey Shore is on TV. What’s going to happen to me if I don’t know who punched Snooki or where “The Situation” is fist pumping?
Steve Jobs, co-founder for Apple said that “You watch television to turn your brain off and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.” This was back in February of 2004. Think about all of the things that Steve Jobs has done for the Apple brand over the past 6 years. Do you think he did it by watching reality TV?
This is where it starts to get fun for me. Instead of spending my time watching drama happen, I have the opportunity to build my brand. I have time to identify opportunities to build brand recognition and create valuable content that I can sell or give away for free.
I personally am building my brand online, the brand of Chris Hughes, and I have been for almost 3 years. I’m not sure how it’s going to pan out for the rest of my life, but at this point I realize the importance of building my brand. So far it has helped me land clients, deals for consulting offers, a few job offers and the biggest part is that it has challenged me. Watching reality TV has done nothing of value for me at this point in my life, and it hasn’t helped any of my friends either.
In fact, some of my friends have asked me how I’ve been “lucky” enough to be able to move to Florida, live on a lake and do things I enjoy doing. I happen to enjoy helping small businesses use social media and internet marketing to create more business, so I do work a lot but it’s doing things I actually enjoy. While I’m creating content and writing blog posts like I’m doing right now, they are watching reality TV and shutting their brain’s off.
Blogging has been a very challenging thing for me and wasn’t always as easy as it is today. It’s challenged me to become a better person, to learn things I never thought I would need to know and step out of my comfort zone. Everything from video editing, SEO, and even taking a 4 hour road trip to watch Duke play against FSU all by myself which you can learn more about at Fearless in Enemy Territory – Chris Hughes InspirACTION Challenge.
Blogging provides a challenge for all of us. I often find myself looking at the dashboard in wordpress and clicking “Add New” to create a new post. It’s a challenge to take a blank sheet and create value as if it comes out of thin air. I’m personally someone who loves the challenge of growing as a person and when I can find ways to add value to people’s lives through sharing experiences, I find it helps me remember the lesson even more.
They say that teaching is the best way to learn something and I agree with that 100%.. Instead of spending hours upon hours sitting on the couch staring at other people doing things, I decide to spend my time doing things that I can leverage later on. I feel that this will be beneficial down the road for me and once it starts paying off, I can then spend hours upon hours watching reality TV, if I choose to, which I doubt that I will.
So how can building a brand help you accomplish your goals?
To start off with, you need to identify what you want out of branding yourself.
Are you looking to get a job? Are you looking to build brand awareness for your company? Are you looking to become an Entrepreneur and pursue your passions?
At Building a Brand Online, we would love to have you write a guest post for us. It will get you more exposure and will prevent you from rotting away into reality TV land. You can learn more about it and the Top 7 Reasons to Write a Guest Post for Building a Brand Online.
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